Sunday, January 8, 2012

Waiting on my life to change....

Here we are in another new year with new hopes and new resolutions and many new places to visit...... well thats my goal anyway.... go as many places as possible as it will make you a better person and teach you what is really important in life and what can be done in order to make your life in this world a little more worth while..... I have been having these awful thoughts of loneliness lately.... I have never felt like this in quite a while.... It sometimes makes me so uncomfortable because I feel like no one would ever want me apart from my family... is that such a bad thing anyway... I have been struggling with that same question.... I know we are social animals and we need other human beings to survive, but surely one can stay alone for their rest of one's life.... Watched Downton Abbey season 2... It was remarkable and the plots of love stories within the series makes me feel like I am missing out on some much in life.....counting down to 4 days ...... 2012 better be a good year... I am counting on it....